1 min read

What a girl should not do on a date?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, here are some things that many people would consider to be red flags or turn-offs for a girl to do on a date:

  1. Be rude or dismissive to the waiter or staff: Being rude or dismissive to the waiter or staff at a restaurant can be a red flag and indicate that the person may not be kind or considerate in other areas of their life.
  2. Talk about her ex: Talking excessively about past relationships or ex-partners can be a turn-off and make the other person feel uncomfortable or insecure.
  3. Play games or be manipulative: Manipulative behaviour, such as playing hard to get or testing the other person’s feelings, can be a red flag and make the other person feel frustrated or uneasy.
  4. Be on her phone constantly: Constantly being on your phone can be a sign that you’re not fully present or engaged in the date, and it can be a significant turn-off for the other person.
  5. Drink excessively: Drinking excessively on a date can be a red flag and indicate that the person may have issues with alcohol or be unable to handle themselves in social situations.
  6. Overshare personal information: While being open and honest on a date is essential, oversharing personal information too soon can make the other person feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed.
  7. Talk negatively or complain excessively: Constantly complaining or being negative can be a turn-off and make the other person feel drained or uninterested in continuing the conversation.

Remember, every person and date is unique, and you must be yourself and follow your instincts. These are some general guidelines to remember as you navigate the dating world.